Somatic Dance of Resonance


Location: Pacific Arts Center, Art and Dance Studios, 10469 Santa Monica Blvd, Westwood, LA, 90024

Cost: $20 entry - First dance free...  

Parking: Easiest to park on Pandora Avenue, between the studio and Beverly Glen, and the streets off of Pandora i.e. Eastborne, Halman and Kinnard. Pls see map at bottom of this page..

Dress: Dance/inside shoes or socks requested, also usually more comfortable in loose fitting light clothes.

Hosted by:   Parvin Naficy, Psy.D.    (310)663-6402

Supported by:  Francisco Castillo        (310)963-7533

                          Lindsay Doering, D.P.T (310)455-4019


“You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art”… Rumi

Evidence-based benefits of dance and movement for boosting body and brain functions:  

According to research, dance increases circulation and delivery of oxygen to the brain and the entire body. Dance has been specifically studied for it’s benefits to dizziness and loss of balance, bone strength, brain’s neuroplasticity and defense against neurological movement disorders . It has been even reported that dancing  might even help prevent Parkinson’s!! Please watch Tedx on Dystonia patient’s brain re-wired through Dance and Movement

Brain receives information through the five senses, sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. The brain then synthesizes all these sensations to store them in memory and mange our thoughts, speech, reactions and movement. It is in improving this synthesis that dance helps advance cognitive flexibility and integration  in the Central Nervous System, charging memory and connecting different parts of the brain.

Reports conclude that dancing makes us all smarter 😉, increasing cognitive ability as well in all ages, but especially with those of higher ages. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that the only physical activity that offered significant protection against dementia in seniors was frequent dancing!

Benefits are endless.. Dance and music help dissolve differences. Dance is additionally a potential asset for peace-building, creating opportunities for non-verbal, embodied learning, exploring identity, and relationships.

Please note and click on blue underlines above which are linked to back-up reports on particular topics mentioned.

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Each person’s dance is unique and just waiting to be experienced…

Remember, no one will do your dance like you will…

Self-Expression Dance/Movement gives access to the profound wisdom of our bodies and the quiet whispering of our souls....

Dance directions.PNG

Parking tips... Traveling from east, best get into Little Santa Monica Blvd from 1/2 block after Beverly Glen. Then right into Pandora Ave. Parking available thereabouts, or in the side streets coming branching to the left... Coming from West on Santa Monica Blvd, u-turn on Beverly Glen and follow direction on top lines… These directions will save you a lot of time!!